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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Upcoming Indy Event - 1500 pt 40k tournament - Greenwood, IN

What:  1500 point Warhammer 40k tournament put on by Indy 40k (that's me!)

When:  Saturday, September 24th, 2011
             Registration starts at 9:30, game 1 starts at 10:30

Where:  Game Preserve - South
               1551 East Stop 12 Road
               Indianapolis, IN 46227
               (317) 881-4263

More Info: 
  • Entry fee: $15
  • 3 rounds
  • Battle Scoring:  A player will receive 5 points for a win, 3 points for a tie, or 1 point for a loss each game.  In addition, each player will choose their own personal objective each game, which will be worth 1 point.
  • Paint Scoring:  There is no painting requirement for the event.  All models must adhere to WYSIWYG, and should represent the wargear they are carrying.  "Counts-as" armies are welcome, but should adhere to WYSIWYG as well.  Any questions regarding this may be sent to Jason at:  indy40k {at} gmail {dot} com.  Painting will be scored according to the Rogue Trader checklist by GW (I'm sorry, but I don't have the link for where you can find this).  In addition, the players will select their favorite armies to award additional appearance points.
  • Sportsmanship:  Players will nominate their favorite opponents to receive prizes based on how pleasant they were to play against.
  • Overall:  Each of the above-mentioned categories will be awarded prizes.  Additionally, the scores will be combined, and the players with the highest overall scores will receive separate prizes, similar to the "Renaissance Man" award at the NOVA Open.
  • Additional prizes will be given out randomly, the amount of which will be determined by the number of entrants.
To register for the event, email Jason at:  indy40k {at} gmail {dot} com with the following information:
  1. your name (and online handle if you use one)
  2. an email address where you can be reached
  3. what army you are bringing

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Indy Events Update

I've come across several upcoming events here in Indy.  I'll be posting separate entries for each of these events with more detailed information, but I wanted to get these out to anyone interested.

08-27:  Wizard's Keep Muncie - 1750 tournament

09-17:  Game Preserve Bloomington - 1850 tournament

09-24:   Game Preserve Indy South - 1500 tournament

10-15:  Game Preserve Bloomington  - 1850 tournament

11-12:  Game Preserve Bloomington - 1850 tournament

12-10:  Game Preserve Bloomington - 1850 tournament

I hope to see many of you across the table.